Saturday, 30 July 2011

Day of Rest

A much needed day of rest, I feel a little worse for wear though.  Every time I stop, sit down and rest, I end up feeling like an feeble old lady whose bones creak.   I think it is because I have been stretching the sore muscles when I am up and about and they feel okay until they cool down again.
Yesterdays work out was a dozy, K had me doing lunges and bicep curls at the same time,  I really hate lunges and have a great dislike(not quite hate) for bicep curls, so together equal a great hatred and when I told K this it seemed to make her very happy.   I think she has a sadistic side to her, because anytime things are not going well between me and an exercise she gets very happy! We also had to do crunches and two other arm curls on a half ball.  Now I am not the most coordinated person, I trip on flat ground over my own feet, so to have me squatting down is a bit dangerous and adding weights...well lets just say I almost took out K and her little folder on me (this could have some hidden meaning, Freud would have a field day with that).  So yes today was much needed to rest my aching muscles, but I was up and ready to go to the gym and feeling a bit antsy this morning.
On a side note we had the most wonderful afternoon with the cutest 2.5 year old little guy who named us Samandon.  Landon's cousin was in town with his wife and adorable little guy who we took to fisherman's wharf, petting zoo, beacon hill park and for ice cream(no ice cream for me).  All in all a perfect afternoon, except for the fact I left the memory card for the camera in the computer (AGAIN).
Looking forward to getting on with a new week with exercise and hoping that I will meet my goal for the last two weeks (I think the weigh in is on Thursday) regardless I have been working hard and in the gym this week 6 out of 7 days, an hour a day and eating right and I need need need to be proud of myself for that alone!  

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