Monday, 2 January 2012

Why Not?

There are so many reason we give for not changing our lives... especially when it comes to healthy living. I have given myself all these excuses and more for why not.
* I don't have enough time-hogwash if you have 30minutes in your day to read a book, watch TV or are reading this have time to put on a pair of running shoes and head outside or to the gym. Trust me it will be some of the best spent time of your day.  Even when I have 3 exams one week and 2 papers due the next I have to make time...
* It cost money- I am fortunate that we are able to afford (well not really) for me to see K, but truly all you need is a pair of shoes, and if you live in a cold climate a gym might be useful.  Gym memberships are not that expensive, go to a local rec center, call up some friends to go walking/running with you if you need motivation.  If you really want it you will make it happen. 
I have to give up...chocolate, coke, chips...yummy food-Not really, moderation is key again, yes I have chosen for the most part to give up those foods, but they had a hold on me like you wouldn't believe and I feel personally like most of the stuff is addictive and poison to our body.  There is something wrong if you cannot stop thinking about Cheeses.
* I don't know where to start- I don't either....even after months I don't know where to start.  Some days it starts with getting dressed and wondering around the house in my workout gear trying to get started, other days are much easier.  
* Eating healthy seems so over whelming- It's not that hard, shop on the perimeter of the grocery store...we rarely shop in the isles.  Clean out your cupboards, make a week meal plan, and only buy those groceries so that everything is premeditated. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, and water is your very best friend. There are 1000's of recipes online, and plenty of healthy ones. 

This is a new year and a chance for all of us to make it the healthiest year yet, so why not? Send me a reason and I'll let you know if you have a good enough reason why not to become a healthier you.

Here are some of my reason why you should:
1) My depression is manageable when I exercise...not gone, but manageable...I can believe that I am human during these winter months.  
2) People out there are so encouraging and supportive.  Seriously if you tell friends and family what you are doing, you will get support...maybe not from everyone, but enough to help you keep going.  And it is pretty awesome to hear it from someone how great you look!
3) Healthy food makes you not feel so sluggish...take it from a cheeses, sour soother, all bad food eater...the crazy roller coaster that your blood sugar is on sucks....and so not worth it.
4) Going down a clothing size feels great!
6) I can look at pictures of myself and while my first reaction is still critical and a little mean, the next is a sense of pride.  I may not be where I want to be, but man I look good...or better.
7) Pushing yourself further then the time before.  I love being able to do one more push-up, or 30 seconds longer during a sprint. I feel powerful and in control of my self...and when you suffer from depression having/feeling a sense of control for a brief moment is so powerful and amazing. 
8) Self esteem.  Let's face it we all wish for a little more at times, and being/doing the things you want to be or do goes a long way in boosting your self esteem. 
9) Realizing you are not alone in your struggle to gain some control over your life.  Opening up to others allows you to be supported and in turn to be a support and encouragement to others. 
10) Did I need to go any further then better sex? 

I wish I could put into words what exercising and eating healthy has done for me mentally, physically and emotionally. I wish that I could put in to words my desire for each of you out there to look after and care for yourselves.  I can promise that the struggle is worth it...seriously do you think that I love getting my ass handed to me at the gym by K?...or not eating Reese Pieces?  really not a huge fan.  But I love what the struggle brings out, me.  It is so easy to hide behind layers of fat, food or behind a screen or a book, that we loose ourselves.