Saturday, 13 July 2013

Run Mama Run

One of my 4 running partners!  But possibly the cutest!  I've started running a couple times a week with LB, the 2 dogs and Ro.  We are using a couch to 5K app on my phone spent $2.99 and it's pretty awesome.  It is an 8 week running program which you run 3 times a week and it sets you up to be able to run a full 5 k at the end of it.  It so far has been well worth the $3 spent.  I love having/dragging the family along with me its extra motivation!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. Running ous the most sustainable exercise because you can 'take it along' most anywhere you go in the summer and fall (not sure about running in Sask in mid winter!) Enjoy nature, entertain or encourage sleep for grouchy toddlers and burn of frustration...what nitre could you ask?!!
