Wednesday, 5 June 2013

A skewed perspective

Lately I've been looking in the mirror and seeing the 217 pound me, never mind that was 42 pounds ago, and feeling really discouraged.  I have been dressing for that 217 pound person, hiding behind layers of clothing that doesn't fit right and are extremely unflattering.  I have been unkind and disparaging  to my past efforts and present self.  I have been eating my feelings about how I perceive myself.  And this is not okay and I am not going to do this anymore.
So I am working on changing that perspective.  I am going to LOVE myself right now, where I am TODAY.  I am going to be KIND and NURTURING to my self while on this journey of losing weight.  

I got to this realization while shopping with my beautiful sister who has been working on and completed her own weight loss journey.  I couldn't bring myself to try anything on.  Everything I looked at and liked I had a million reasons why I shouldn't try them on:  you would look ridiculous in that, that's for skinny people, you can buy nice clothes when you lose weight, nothing in here will fit you, it will make you cry when you see how you look and then you will wreak the shopping trip,  the baby will wake up, celebrate your sister...etc.    The ironic part of this was I was waiting for my sister to come home so I had someone to shop with!

So things are changing!
*I am going to start dressing in jeans more yoga pants(even at home)
*I bought a pair of skinny jeans...guess what they look pretty good!
*I am going to do a weekly weight in on Wednesdays
*I am going to buy some clothes that I really love

I also have set some longer term goals 10 pounds by the end of June, I have already lost 2! Last weeks little changes have worked!   And the best goal is when I have lost 30 pounds I am heading out to Saskatchewan to see my was the best motivation i could come up with.  

So today's weight is 175.2.

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