Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Baby Bean Update

Tomorrow is 27 weeks!  We are just 8 days from the third trimester!!
The bean is kicking up a storm on a daily basis and has gotten in a few kicks up under the ribs.  
We constantly refer to the bean as him...but we have no idea what we are having and end up confusing a few people.  I think it would be more confusing to be calling the baby, lentil or bean which is what LB and I usually refer to "it" as.  
I go through hills and valleys between excitement and fear.  LB on the other hand is always excited.
We watched a movie/documentary called Babies and Ringo sat through completely engaged for about 80% of the movie watching the babies on the screen.  Lily didn't get as excited, she might have watched 30% of it which is still a lot for either dog.  It completely melted my heart.  We already have seen the dogs with kids and they love love love them.  But to see the dogs completely engrossed by them on a screen was amazing.
Just 13 weeks until the due date!
                                                                                   Lily and Ringo

1 comment:

  1. Love love love. Those dogs will be great siblings for the new baby:)
