Well I promised myself I would get this out before his one month birthday...and that's today! The top picture was taken yesterday and the bottem when we first got home. We packed up his newborn clothes this week as he went through his three week growth spurt and could no longer fit it to the clothes.
He was born Tuesday September 25th at 10:43pm, two days early according to the dr's dates and 10 days late by mine. And at his first dr visit it was determined that he was late and more likely my date was right...so trust your instinct! I laboured for over 24 hours and then had a C-section. Labour was long and hard and worth every second of it. And I can't wait to add to our little family...horray for happy mommy hormones that block out the labour. I will eventually post more but I started this post this morning and the day has/is coming to an end for our little family, being a mom doesn't leave alot of time for certain things right now!